2. Joseph2 Bragg Sr. (Joseph1) was born circa 1690 at Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia. He married Mary Settle, daughter of Thomas Settle, on 16 April 1716 at Richmond Co., Virginia.8 He married Elizabeth Nash, daughter of Nathaniel Nash and Elizabeth Thornton, circa 1730.
On 2 December 1714 at Richmond Co., Virginia, An entry in the court documents read "It is ordered that the sheriff summon to the next court Joseph Bragg of North Farmingham Parish to answer the presentment of the Grand Jury for not going to church the past two months."9
On 7 July 1715 at Richmond Co., Virginia, it was noted in the Court Records "Joseph Bragg of North Farmingham Parish being summoned to answer the presentment of the Grand Jury against him for not going to church for two months, but not appearing when called. It is ordered that he be fined one hundred pounds of tobacco and that he pay the same to the church wardens of the said parish with costs."10
On 1 May 1723 at Richmond Co., Virginia, in the court records it was noted "The claim of Joseph Bragg for taking up a runaway servant named Michael Williamson belonging to William Mercalfe of Northumberland County was this day sworn to in court by the said Joseph Bragg and ordered to be certified.11
On 2 August 1727 at Richmond Co., Virginia, was recorded in the court records "Joseph Bragg is appointed surveyor of the highways for this ensuing year from Rappahanock Bridge to Colls Carter's Mill and from the upper bridge by John Metcalfe's Mill into Westmoreland County and from the main road by Leonard Dozier's to Duke Beckwith's Mill and from the said road by John ___ plantation to Pantill run and from Michael Windor's ___ field along the Howling road to Lisson's Landing and ordered that he forewith clear all the said roads according to law.12
On 31 May 1735 at Richmond Co., Virginia, William Marks, Richmond Co., VA sold to Joseph Bragg, planter, 8000 lbs. tobacco of cask, for 150 acres lying in parish of Lunenburg "late north farn'm" in Richmond Co., being one moiety or half part of 300 acre formerly granted to McHugh Barrott (g/father of Wm Marks) and granted by Barrott to his daughter Patiense Marks.13
On 12 May 1740 at Richmond Co., Virginia, noted in court records "The claim of Joseph Bragg of this county for taking up a servant woman named Wilnor Gorman belonging to Stanley Gower of this county was this day sworn to in court by the said Bragg and ordered to be certified."14
Joseph Bragg Sr. left a will on 26 January 1746 at Lunenburg Parish, Richmond Co., Virginia, and it contained:
In the name of God Amen I Joseph Bragg Sr. of Lunenburg Parish in the County of Richmond being very sick and weak but of perfect sence and memory thanks be to God for the same doe make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. that is to say first and principally I bequeath my soul to God and that gave it my body to the earth to be decently buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named.
Item - I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Bragg my negro girl named Mariah to him and his heirs forever with her increase only the first child the said negro girl shall have that lives to be two years old it is my will and desire my young son Joseph shall have delivered to him at the age of twenty years and if in case this my young son shall dye before he arrives to the age of twenty years or without lawful heirs to my son Newman Bragg and his heirs.
Item - I give and it is my desire that my son Monroe Bragg shall have the plantation that now lives on. Together with my negro girl Hannah to him and the lawful heirs of his body begotten and if in case he should without such heirs of his body to fall to my son John Bragg and his heirs.
Item - I give my daughter Eliz. A. Bragg on cow and calfe.
Item - I give and bequeath to my daughter Catherine Bragg one Schilling and noe more.
Item - Its my will and desire that my two sons Moore Bragg and Newman should have three years schooling out of my personal estate.
Item - If please God my negroe wench Winney should have another child after this she now goes with I give and it is my desire that my son Richard Bragg should have it to be delivered to him at the age of twenty years.
Item - I give and bequeath to my beloved wife all and singular Est. real and personal during her natural life except what I have already bequeathed and after her decease to be equally divided between my children that has not a negroe given them. Except my daughter Catherine which I desire to have now more than one shilling as before mentioned. And doe also make and ordain my weel beloved wife my whole and sole Ex. of this last Will and Testament revoking and disannualling all other Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made as witness my hand and seals this 26 day of January 1746. Witt: Richard L. Dawson, Wm. Lawson, Ingoe Dozer..15 Joseph's estate was probated on 4 May 1747 at Richmond Co., Virginia, The Last Wll and Testament of Joseph Bragg dec'd was presented in Court by Elizabeth Bragg his wife who made oath thereto and being proved by the oath of James Ingoe Dozier one of the witnesses thereto, was admitted to record and on the motion of the said Executrix and her performing what is usual in such cases, certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate thereof is due for one.16
Mary Settle was born circa 1695. She died on 16 January 1727 at Richmond Co., Virginia.3
Known children of Joseph2 Bragg Sr. and Mary Settle were as follows:
Known children of Joseph2 Bragg Sr. and Elizabeth Nash were as follows:
On 2 April 1718 at Richmond Co., Virginia, in the court records it was noted "Charles Bragg his action of debt against John Davis is dismissed, the plaintiff not presenting."21
On 3 November 1725 at Richmond Co., Virginia, it was noted in the court records "Ordered that the sheriff summon to next court Charles Bragg of North Farmingham Parish to answer the presentment of the Grand Jury against him for planting tobacco after tenth day of July.22
On 26 March 1734 at Richmond Co., Virginia, Solomon Redman, Planter, of Lunenburg parish, Richmond Co. (VA) to Charles Bragg, Planter, of same. 1,500 lbs. of good tobacco for 80 acres upon the branches of Rapp Creek, land formerly belonging to Luke Thornton & given to his grandson Mark Thornton, and sold by Mark to Redman, now in the actual possession of John Jones (with life time rights to Ann Mountjoy and her daughter, Sarah Jones, wife of John Jones.) Relinquishment of dower by Mary Redman, wife of Solomon, admitted to Record.23
On 5 April 1734 at Richmond Co., Virginia, John Jones & Sarah his wife & Ann Mountjoy, all of Lunenburg Parish, Richmond Co., VA to Charles Bragg of same for 2,300 lbs of tobacco for 100 acres formerly belonging to Luke Thornton and by his will given to Sarah Jones and Ann Mountjoy during their natural lives, on branches of Rapp Creek, beginning at a swamp named Potage Pot.24,25
On 1 March 1741 at Richmond Co., Virginia, The Court records of Richmond Co. show that "Margaret Sheals, servant to Charles Bragg having fugitively absented herself from her masters house for the period of 15 days and it appearing to this Court that he expended two hundred pounds of tobacco in procuring her again, it is therefor ordered that the said Margaret Sheals serve her said master or his assignees for 30 days for the said fifteen days absence, and according to law for said two hundred pounds of tobacco after her time by indenture become ___ or is fully expired."
Also was entered same day "Orderd that Margaret Sheals servant to Charles Bragg serve her said master or his assignees one whole year after her time by indenture customs or otherwise is fully expired in consideration of the trouble of his house for having a bastard child."
Another entry on same matter "Margaret Sheals servant to Charles Bragg this day refusing to pay fine for having a bastard child. It is therefore ordered that the sheriff take her and carry her to the common whipping post and give her twenty five lashes on her bare back well laid on."26
On 5 November 1750 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, Thomas Sorrell of Cople Parish Westmoreland Co., VA, son & heir of John Sorrell, Planter, dec'd to Charles Bragg of Lunenburg Parish, Richmond Co., planter. 4000 lb of tobacco for a parcel of land containing 128 acres in Cople Parish Westmoreland Co. on or near branches of Pantico Run & near Richmond Co. signed Thos Sorrell. Wit. George/Lee/See, Youel Davis, Will'm Bragg, Elias Davis.27
Charles's estate was probated on 2 April 1759 at Richmond Co., Virginia, and on motion of William Bragg who made oath, administration is granted him on the estate of Charles Bragg dec'd.20
Elizabeth Packet left a will on 30 September 1811 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, and it contained: First whereas my Negro man Tom was formerly appraised to £60 & it will appear by my papers and accounts that I have long since paid debts for my husband's estate to more than the amount thereof as was considered by the persons who was appointed to allot me my DOWER and who refused to divide the said negro man Tom in consideration of the money which I had paid for the estate and whereas Tom has been a faithful servant to me ... I wish to give him his freedom and liberty after my decease. All my estate to be left in trust to Beckham Thomas to be applied to the use of said Tom. It is expressly understood that if Wm Hall who married Rebecca my daughter and Martha Stone my other daughter shall on my death secure to Tom his freedom and liberty so that he shall not be molesteed ... then Martha Stone to receive one iron kettle, one cow ... and to my eldest daughter Rebecca Hall one high bed ... I give to Wm Stone my young oxen ... the remainder of my crops to be equally divided between my children Rebecca Hall & Martha Stone. Ex. Samuel Templeman. Signed Elizabeth X Bragg (mark). Witnesses Samuel Templeman, Polly Stone. Presented in court March 1812.28
Known children of Charles2 Bragg and Elizabeth Packet were as follows:
On 2 December 1714 at Richmond Co., Virginia, An entry in the court documents read "It is ordered that the sheriff summon to the next court Joseph Bragg of North Farmingham Parish to answer the presentment of the Grand Jury for not going to church the past two months."9
On 7 July 1715 at Richmond Co., Virginia, it was noted in the Court Records "Joseph Bragg of North Farmingham Parish being summoned to answer the presentment of the Grand Jury against him for not going to church for two months, but not appearing when called. It is ordered that he be fined one hundred pounds of tobacco and that he pay the same to the church wardens of the said parish with costs."10
On 1 May 1723 at Richmond Co., Virginia, in the court records it was noted "The claim of Joseph Bragg for taking up a runaway servant named Michael Williamson belonging to William Mercalfe of Northumberland County was this day sworn to in court by the said Joseph Bragg and ordered to be certified.11
On 2 August 1727 at Richmond Co., Virginia, was recorded in the court records "Joseph Bragg is appointed surveyor of the highways for this ensuing year from Rappahanock Bridge to Colls Carter's Mill and from the upper bridge by John Metcalfe's Mill into Westmoreland County and from the main road by Leonard Dozier's to Duke Beckwith's Mill and from the said road by John ___ plantation to Pantill run and from Michael Windor's ___ field along the Howling road to Lisson's Landing and ordered that he forewith clear all the said roads according to law.12
On 31 May 1735 at Richmond Co., Virginia, William Marks, Richmond Co., VA sold to Joseph Bragg, planter, 8000 lbs. tobacco of cask, for 150 acres lying in parish of Lunenburg "late north farn'm" in Richmond Co., being one moiety or half part of 300 acre formerly granted to McHugh Barrott (g/father of Wm Marks) and granted by Barrott to his daughter Patiense Marks.13
On 12 May 1740 at Richmond Co., Virginia, noted in court records "The claim of Joseph Bragg of this county for taking up a servant woman named Wilnor Gorman belonging to Stanley Gower of this county was this day sworn to in court by the said Bragg and ordered to be certified."14
Joseph Bragg Sr. left a will on 26 January 1746 at Lunenburg Parish, Richmond Co., Virginia, and it contained:
In the name of God Amen I Joseph Bragg Sr. of Lunenburg Parish in the County of Richmond being very sick and weak but of perfect sence and memory thanks be to God for the same doe make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. that is to say first and principally I bequeath my soul to God and that gave it my body to the earth to be decently buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named.
Item - I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Bragg my negro girl named Mariah to him and his heirs forever with her increase only the first child the said negro girl shall have that lives to be two years old it is my will and desire my young son Joseph shall have delivered to him at the age of twenty years and if in case this my young son shall dye before he arrives to the age of twenty years or without lawful heirs to my son Newman Bragg and his heirs.
Item - I give and it is my desire that my son Monroe Bragg shall have the plantation that now lives on. Together with my negro girl Hannah to him and the lawful heirs of his body begotten and if in case he should without such heirs of his body to fall to my son John Bragg and his heirs.
Item - I give my daughter Eliz. A. Bragg on cow and calfe.
Item - I give and bequeath to my daughter Catherine Bragg one Schilling and noe more.
Item - Its my will and desire that my two sons Moore Bragg and Newman should have three years schooling out of my personal estate.
Item - If please God my negroe wench Winney should have another child after this she now goes with I give and it is my desire that my son Richard Bragg should have it to be delivered to him at the age of twenty years.
Item - I give and bequeath to my beloved wife all and singular Est. real and personal during her natural life except what I have already bequeathed and after her decease to be equally divided between my children that has not a negroe given them. Except my daughter Catherine which I desire to have now more than one shilling as before mentioned. And doe also make and ordain my weel beloved wife my whole and sole Ex. of this last Will and Testament revoking and disannualling all other Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made as witness my hand and seals this 26 day of January 1746. Witt: Richard L. Dawson, Wm. Lawson, Ingoe Dozer..15 Joseph's estate was probated on 4 May 1747 at Richmond Co., Virginia, The Last Wll and Testament of Joseph Bragg dec'd was presented in Court by Elizabeth Bragg his wife who made oath thereto and being proved by the oath of James Ingoe Dozier one of the witnesses thereto, was admitted to record and on the motion of the said Executrix and her performing what is usual in such cases, certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate thereof is due for one.16
Mary Settle was born circa 1695. She died on 16 January 1727 at Richmond Co., Virginia.3
Known children of Joseph2 Bragg Sr. and Mary Settle were as follows:
- 4. i. Joseph3 Bragg , born 1 October 1719 at Richmond Co., Virginia; married Susannah Dozier.
- 5. ii. Thomas Bragg Sr. , born 7 February 1721 at Richmond Co., Virginia; married Elizabeth McKay.
- 6. iii. Mary Bragg , born circa 1723; married Gaton Settle.
- 7. iv. Catherine Bragg , born 1724.
- 8. v. Elizabeth "Betty" Bragg , born 16 April 1726 at Richmond Co., Virginia; married Thomas Bruce.
Known children of Joseph2 Bragg Sr. and Elizabeth Nash were as follows:
- 9. i. William3 Bragg , born 22 May 1731 at Richmond Co., Virginia; married Elizabeth Kelly.
- 10. ii. John Bragg I , born 1733; married Mary Newport; married Frances Marks.
- iii. Benjamin Bragg was born in 1735.
- 11. iv. Moore Bragg , born 1737; married Sarah Kelley.
- v. Newman Bragg was born in 1739.
- vi. Joseph Bragg Jr was born in 1741.
- vii. Richard Bragg was born in 1743.
On 2 April 1718 at Richmond Co., Virginia, in the court records it was noted "Charles Bragg his action of debt against John Davis is dismissed, the plaintiff not presenting."21
On 3 November 1725 at Richmond Co., Virginia, it was noted in the court records "Ordered that the sheriff summon to next court Charles Bragg of North Farmingham Parish to answer the presentment of the Grand Jury against him for planting tobacco after tenth day of July.22
On 26 March 1734 at Richmond Co., Virginia, Solomon Redman, Planter, of Lunenburg parish, Richmond Co. (VA) to Charles Bragg, Planter, of same. 1,500 lbs. of good tobacco for 80 acres upon the branches of Rapp Creek, land formerly belonging to Luke Thornton & given to his grandson Mark Thornton, and sold by Mark to Redman, now in the actual possession of John Jones (with life time rights to Ann Mountjoy and her daughter, Sarah Jones, wife of John Jones.) Relinquishment of dower by Mary Redman, wife of Solomon, admitted to Record.23
On 5 April 1734 at Richmond Co., Virginia, John Jones & Sarah his wife & Ann Mountjoy, all of Lunenburg Parish, Richmond Co., VA to Charles Bragg of same for 2,300 lbs of tobacco for 100 acres formerly belonging to Luke Thornton and by his will given to Sarah Jones and Ann Mountjoy during their natural lives, on branches of Rapp Creek, beginning at a swamp named Potage Pot.24,25
On 1 March 1741 at Richmond Co., Virginia, The Court records of Richmond Co. show that "Margaret Sheals, servant to Charles Bragg having fugitively absented herself from her masters house for the period of 15 days and it appearing to this Court that he expended two hundred pounds of tobacco in procuring her again, it is therefor ordered that the said Margaret Sheals serve her said master or his assignees for 30 days for the said fifteen days absence, and according to law for said two hundred pounds of tobacco after her time by indenture become ___ or is fully expired."
Also was entered same day "Orderd that Margaret Sheals servant to Charles Bragg serve her said master or his assignees one whole year after her time by indenture customs or otherwise is fully expired in consideration of the trouble of his house for having a bastard child."
Another entry on same matter "Margaret Sheals servant to Charles Bragg this day refusing to pay fine for having a bastard child. It is therefore ordered that the sheriff take her and carry her to the common whipping post and give her twenty five lashes on her bare back well laid on."26
On 5 November 1750 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, Thomas Sorrell of Cople Parish Westmoreland Co., VA, son & heir of John Sorrell, Planter, dec'd to Charles Bragg of Lunenburg Parish, Richmond Co., planter. 4000 lb of tobacco for a parcel of land containing 128 acres in Cople Parish Westmoreland Co. on or near branches of Pantico Run & near Richmond Co. signed Thos Sorrell. Wit. George/Lee/See, Youel Davis, Will'm Bragg, Elias Davis.27
Charles's estate was probated on 2 April 1759 at Richmond Co., Virginia, and on motion of William Bragg who made oath, administration is granted him on the estate of Charles Bragg dec'd.20
Elizabeth Packet left a will on 30 September 1811 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, and it contained: First whereas my Negro man Tom was formerly appraised to £60 & it will appear by my papers and accounts that I have long since paid debts for my husband's estate to more than the amount thereof as was considered by the persons who was appointed to allot me my DOWER and who refused to divide the said negro man Tom in consideration of the money which I had paid for the estate and whereas Tom has been a faithful servant to me ... I wish to give him his freedom and liberty after my decease. All my estate to be left in trust to Beckham Thomas to be applied to the use of said Tom. It is expressly understood that if Wm Hall who married Rebecca my daughter and Martha Stone my other daughter shall on my death secure to Tom his freedom and liberty so that he shall not be molesteed ... then Martha Stone to receive one iron kettle, one cow ... and to my eldest daughter Rebecca Hall one high bed ... I give to Wm Stone my young oxen ... the remainder of my crops to be equally divided between my children Rebecca Hall & Martha Stone. Ex. Samuel Templeman. Signed Elizabeth X Bragg (mark). Witnesses Samuel Templeman, Polly Stone. Presented in court March 1812.28
Known children of Charles2 Bragg and Elizabeth Packet were as follows:
- 12. i. William3 Bragg , born 30 March 1729 at Richmond Co., Virginia; married Annie Bragg.
- ii. Joseph Bragg was born on 3 August 1731 at Richmond Co., Virginia.3
- iii. Rebecca Bragg married William Hall.28
- iv. Martha Bragg married William Stone.28