The other day I was sifting through old emails for any new clues I might have missed and realized that I could indeed find that old site - on the Wayback Machine in the Internet Archives! This is a great, often overlooked resource. I grabbed the information on the Bragg pages and I will put them on my site - with credit to Damon, of course. I hope this helps more Bragg researchers.
Over a decade ago my research into my husband's Bragg family tree was helped along by several distant cousins through email. One of those people, Damon Floyd, put his findings on website for all of us to refer to when we got stuck. About 2002 the website went down and we all felt the loss but could not contact Damon to find out what happened. Further research found a copy of his obituary. RIP Damon!
The other day I was sifting through old emails for any new clues I might have missed and realized that I could indeed find that old site - on the Wayback Machine in the Internet Archives! This is a great, often overlooked resource. I grabbed the information on the Bragg pages and I will put them on my site - with credit to Damon, of course. I hope this helps more Bragg researchers.
Henri Bragg Isaacs
4/19/2013 07:14:30 am
Greetings! What a wonderful discovery when I came across your website or blog...!! I am a Bragg. I can take my paternal side of my family back to my 2nd great grandfather with certainty, but before that it is just a good guess. Before I really got involved in doing family genealogy I too found Damon's website. Corresponded with a little and then all of a sudden the site was not longer available. I managed to contact his daughter or granddaughter down in Texas. She has all his supporting paper work but at the time did not know if she would activate the website again or not. It appears she hasn't, since that was not too long after Damon passed. Which is to bad... It was a great site for not only the Bragg family, but the Henry f smily...which is my father's mother's last name... But like you, one day I cam across the Wayback Machine! I thought it was a joke, but it wasn't!! Thru it I located some family information, but not much. Now I can't find anything,no matter how I search. I guess this is why I am making contact. I would like to request guest access to your Bragg family information. Would this be possible? I would gladly provide you access to my family tree if you like... Would love to hear from you either way. I've enjoyed your "blog" very much!!
4/20/2013 01:48:26 am
So glad you found the site. I have been having some trouble getting the Bragg Info up and running. Now that I know someone is looking for it I will work on it harder this weekend! :) My tree - which also has my husband's lines - is public on Ancestry, just titled Pickett. Contact me through there if you have any questions or additions. I'd love to see your tree too.
Becky Bragg Olsen
8/8/2013 12:25:16 pm
So glad I found this! Damon helped me make a connection back past my grandfather, which is where we had been stuck for mny years. I look forward to keeping up with things here, and hopefully getting my information online.
Henri Bragg Isaacs
8/9/2013 12:24:09 pm
I've followed your link to the WaybackMachine but could not figure out how to pull up Damon Floyd's information. When Damon was alive and his website was active I would frequent it quite often. I never dreamed the day would come and it wouldn't be available! Can you provide some instructions on how to pull up his information on the WaybackMachine? Any help would be appreciated.
8/11/2013 03:37:40 am
Sorry I was too cryptic! Once at the Wayback Machine, in the top box, put in and hit Take Me Back. You will see a calendar and a timeline. Click on a year in the timeline and there will dates on the calendar that have a blue circle over them. These are dates the site was crawled and cached. Clicking on one of those circles will take you to the site as it was at the time.
Henri Bragg Isaacs
8/9/2013 12:25:46 pm
Lori: I've followed your link to the WaybackMachine but could not figure out how to pull up Damon Floyd's information. When Damon was alive and his website was active I would frequent it quite often. I never dreamed the day would come and it wouldn't be available! Can you provide some instructions on how to pull up his information on the WaybackMachine? Any help would be appreciated.
Andrew Bragg
3/12/2014 06:05:23 am
Thank you all for sharing this. I also as many of the Bragg researchers happened across Damon's page and his wealth of information years ago. He was always quick to reply to any and all questions that I had. I found him to be a very generous and patient man, especially for taking the time to help and guide all of us just starting out. Sadly I had not kept in contact with him and after a year or so of not doing research I went to look for his website and found that it was not on the web anymore. Sadly it was because of his passing. Thankfully you were able to find it again and it's wealth of information.
3/16/2014 02:11:27 pm
Hello. I just took some photos of a small, very neglected family plot on the edge of Nord, California. Searching the name of Sarah Jane Bragg ("wife of SG Bragg") turned up this site. You have her listed as having died in 1874, but her headstone looks as though the date was 1871. I'd be happy to send you the photo.
3/17/2014 02:54:44 am
A photo would be great!! And much appreciated!! Are you part of the Bragg tribe?
Johnny Timmons
6/3/2014 12:06:03 pm
Happy to say Damon's family tree has a new branch to it. He has a Beautiful Great Granddaughter plus one more of the same on the way.
Henri Bragg Isaacs
1/23/2018 12:43:42 pm
I believe I've contacted you before or maybe your wife shortly after Damon's passing. If you still have his data I would love to have any you would be willing to share, especially information regarding any BRAGGS or HENRYS in Howell County, Missouri. Damon was instrumental in finding so much on my parental grandfather and grandmother's families! Photos especially! Any information you share would be appreciated. I'd love to create a whole new website for BRAGG family information in tribute to all of Damon's effort! Any information you would provide would be attributed to Damon and available to the public...and professionally done. Information you send would be copied and returned to you... What Damon did was a gift! Would love to hear from you! [email protected] for contact Thank you !!! And Tammy too!
2/2/2021 12:32:33 pm
Did a new Bragg Family website ever get started?
Debra Bragg Blanchard
12/23/2014 03:52:06 am
Hello, my name is Debra Bragg Blanchard, and my Dad is Harold Eugene Bragg, born 1935. His dad was Dain Orval Bragg, 1907-1944. I am looking for any info possible pertaining to Dain and his siblings/aunts uncle, etc. Thank you!
Henri Bragg Isaacs
1/1/2015 12:04:12 pm
Misread message! Ignore previous message. But would like to know how I can make contact with Debra Bragg Blanchard. I clicked on "reply" and nothing happened.
Debra Bragg Blanchard
1/2/2015 05:46:38 am
hey,Henri Bragg Isaacs , this isDebra Bragg Blanchard, my personal email address is [email protected]....
Johnny Timmons
1/10/2015 01:49:55 am
I will see if I can email you and get a shipping address from you. I am married to Damon's daughter Tammy Floyd Timmons and we have all his records. Nobody here is doing anything with them, but I have kept his CD records. I have two totes of his professionally binded books and all kinds of birth and death records. He has a few binders of the same with all kinds of descendant stuff in them. It would be too expensive to send all this stuff, but I will ship you one of those booklets, Johnny Timmons
Becky Bragg Olsen
1/10/2015 03:12:20 am
Oh my word, what treasures! Damon was responsible for me being able to make the connection back to my grandfather's lineage way back in 1998 or maybe earlier. I had been stumped for years.
Deb Bragg Blanchard
1/12/2015 10:32:41 pm
Thank you, Johnny Timmons!
Henri Isaacs Bragg
1/23/2018 12:30:00 pm
Johnny, sometime in past I think I made contact with Tammy. Shortly after Damon's death I believe. At that time she wasn't sure what was going to happen to his data. Do you still have it and any of it? I would love to try to recreate his website as an all inclusive Bragg website if you would be willing to lend me the information. It of course would be returned after it was copied, online and operational. He had so much information about both sides of my dad's family: Bragg and Henry folks in Howell County Missouri. I would love to hear from you!! Good or bad...have a blessed day! PS:Yes! Damon was a wonderful soul.He helped so many of us and I'd love to return in kind...
Debra Bragg Blanchard
12/20/2021 06:21:03 pm
Hello! It's been many years since I've corresponded with you or Henri! I can't recall if we had discussed that Damon, was Dain Bragg's son? My dad was Harold E. Bragg, also Dain's son...Harold passed away on December 28, 2018. I would love to talk with your wife Tammy! A reply to this would be greatly appreciated!
Henri Bragg Isaacs
1/23/2018 12:34:59 pm
Debra did you get the information Johnny was going to send to you? If you did, would you mind sharing if it covered Braggs or Henrys in Missouri? Damon was such a help and never hesitated to share. It would be a tribute to this fine man for all of us to carry on.... Love to hear from you ! I'll send an email to the address that I have also...
Debra Bragg Blanchard
12/20/2021 06:25:34 pm
It's been 4 years, since our last correspondence...I'm certain that I am most likely the one, who dropped the ball..would love to reconnect!
Lucas Mullen
1/16/2015 02:00:18 am
I am searching for information and names on the tree of recent ancestors (Generations 7-10?) that originate from (former NC Governor) Thomas 6 Bragg, Jr. (Thomas5, John4, Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph1, I believe is the correct lineage). I am new to this process and have very little information but many questions. If any of the members of this wonderful network of people could contact me or respond I would be extremely grateful. Thank you in advance for having such a positive impact on others' lives. Leave a Reply. |